Thursday, May 6, 2010

Creatine Needs HELP!

Everybody knows that creatine improves resistance training benefits or does it?
From recent and passed research it definite that you do get improved training results from using creatine as a supplement. But creatine can’t fight the good fight of trying to build muscle without some insiders help.

Here is a list of tips:
Adding creatine to a good 100g carbohydrate drink can increase absorption drastically. Dextrose increases insulin levels which increases carbohydrate absorption. Maltodextrin improves energy levels. Fructose improves liver glycogen.
Taurine improves cell and muscle volume. Improves drawing fluid into the muscle which can increase the muscle size.
Phosphate increases lactate buffering. Also increases ph stability within the stomach to increase absorption.
Vitamins’ C and E increase removal of waste products

The usage of the following can also aid in the absorption of creatine in the system:
1. Chromiam Picolinate
2. Vanadyl Sulphate
3. Alpha Lipoic Acid
4. D-Pinnitol

Also taking the creatine in a warmer form may also increase the absorption.

Chrysilla Stander

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