Netball training program for males and females.
Netball is an explosive sport involving horizontal as well as vertical movements to progress an athlete forward to receive a pass, make a pass and score a goal. This game also allows the player to jump up to receive a ball as well as dodge another player to be available for a pass. The game is centered on the fact that players can outrun and out smart one another to score goals.
It is for this reason that I am going to draw up a training program with exercises and movements that can help the athlete to achieve all his or her goals.
As with many sports now both sexes are involved in previously male dominated sports, with netball it is males that for the last few years have evolved and expanded the game. To see males and females play the game is amazing!
However males and females have different needs when it comes to training. Females build lower body muscle mass more than they build upper body muscle mass partly due to the structure of the female body and the hormones that are in abundance in the female body. For this reason females should focus on upper body exercises to make the strength gains in the lower body equal to the strength gains in the lower body (Essentials of Strength and Conditioning)
Upper body exercises for females:
1. Shoulder press with dumbbells
2. One arm dumbbell bicep curl
3. One arm bent over triceps kick back
4. One arm bent over row
5. One arm front and lateral raises with dumbbell or medicine ball
6. Rotator cuff exercises
Lower body exercises for females:
1. Adduction on machine
2. Abduction on machine
3. Body weight wall squat on Physio- ball
4. Front and back lunges either body weight or with dumbbells at your side
5. Hamstring curls on Physio -ball
6. Sumo Dead lift or squat either body weight or with a dumbbell
Males would add more resistance to their upper body exercises and depending on the nature of their training perform the exercises more frequently, females would control the repetitions and perform the exercises with light weight until the body adapts then increase the weight at a steady pace.
Netball is an explosive sport involving horizontal as well as vertical movements to progress an athlete forward to receive a pass, make a pass and score a goal. This game also allows the player to jump up to receive a ball as well as dodge another player to be available for a pass. The game is centered on the fact that players can outrun and out smart one another to score goals.
It is for this reason that I am going to draw up a training program with exercises and movements that can help the athlete to achieve all his or her goals.
As with many sports now both sexes are involved in previously male dominated sports, with netball it is males that for the last few years have evolved and expanded the game. To see males and females play the game is amazing!
However males and females have different needs when it comes to training. Females build lower body muscle mass more than they build upper body muscle mass partly due to the structure of the female body and the hormones that are in abundance in the female body. For this reason females should focus on upper body exercises to make the strength gains in the lower body equal to the strength gains in the lower body (Essentials of Strength and Conditioning)
Upper body exercises for females:
1. Shoulder press with dumbbells
2. One arm dumbbell bicep curl
3. One arm bent over triceps kick back
4. One arm bent over row
5. One arm front and lateral raises with dumbbell or medicine ball
6. Rotator cuff exercises

Lower body exercises for females:
1. Adduction on machine
2. Abduction on machine
3. Body weight wall squat on Physio- ball
4. Front and back lunges either body weight or with dumbbells at your side
5. Hamstring curls on Physio -ball
6. Sumo Dead lift or squat either body weight or with a dumbbell
Males would add more resistance to their upper body exercises and depending on the nature of their training perform the exercises more frequently, females would control the repetitions and perform the exercises with light weight until the body adapts then increase the weight at a steady pace.
Upper body exercise for males:
1. Rotator cuff exercises
2. Lateral pull downs
3. Bent over row
4. Shoulder press
5. Incline press
6. Forearm flexion and extension
7. Bicep curl ( eccentrically loading the muscle)
8. Triceps push down
These exercises can be performed on the Physic- ball.
Lower body exercises for males:
1. Squats
2. Lunges
3. Hamstring curls
4. One leg raises
For both males and females plyometrics can be done just make sure that you have adequate rest in between each plyometrics session.
Core and abdominal exercise should also be an important part of the training program here are a few exercise that you can do:
1. Russian rotation
2. Side crunches on a Physio-ball
3. Crunches on the Physio-ball
4. Sit-ups with a weight across your chest
5. Medicine ball toss to your chest
These exercises can help females and males reach their ultimate goal and succeed in their sport!
Chrysilla Stander
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