Binge drinking as well as long term drinking has negative, detrimental effects on one’s athletic performance. You’ve always been told don’t drink before a game/event and always watched as many professional athletes chose water over alcohol, well here’s why.
Binge drinking has many physical and physiological effects on a person’s body. It had a massive impact on reaction time; one’s reaction time is slowed and can remain like this for up to several days. It also decreases one’s hand-eye co-ordination. The deterioration of these crucial skills will impact one’s performance massively in sports such as rugby and cricket and netball. Accuracy and balance are also negatively impacted by alcohol consumption, which will affect performance in sports such as gymnastics and baseball. These motor skills are vital in most sports and they are acutely affected by the utilization of alcohol.
It is indicated in various studies that alcohol also has a harmful effect on speed, strength and power. Alcohol often leads to dehydration and this leads to electrolyte imbalances. Dehydration affects one’s muscles in various ways, causing cramps, strains and tears. It can also lead to a decrease in muscle mass which ultimately leads to worsened performance. Alcohol has 7calories per gram and is stored similarly to fat, it can also destroy amino acids and store them as fat, therefore alcohol causes an increase in body fat percentage, which will not only impair certain energy systems which will decrease energy levels, but will also decrease recovery and increase muscle soreness.
Drinking alcohol continuously over longer periods as opposed to binge drinking can have permanent negative effects on athletic and everyday performance. It affects brain and nervous function, can cause blood clotting and liver failure and can cause fatty deposit
s. Long-term alcohol usage also leads to weakened heart muscles.

I have given many reasons to avoid alcohol as an athlete as your performance will undoubtedly be affected in a bad way, they say “don’t drink and drive”, I say “don’t drink and do exercise.”
- Caron-lee
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