Friday, April 9, 2010


Some of you might already be using supersets and tri-sets but there are a few more advanced training principles that you may not be aware of. Here are a few more to help spice up your training or help you overcome a plateau in your training.

Super set: Performing two exercises in a row with out rest

Tri set: Performing three exercises in a row with out rest

Negative repetitions: This is the eccentric part of the contraction, eg., lowering the weight during a bicep curl. For this principle you slowly and controlled lower the weight during the eccentric/negative part of the movement, and one can also do strictly negatives by getting some one to help you lift the weight and then you strictly control the lowering by yourself.

Shocking principle: The body is amazingly adaptable and thus you need to vary your exercises and training so that the body doesn’t become accustomed to the training, this variation will help keep your body adapting to the new exercises or training. You have to surprise the body with new workouts, unusual exercises or exercises performed in a different way or order.

Stripping method: This is a great technique that you can really feel working. This should be used only for the last few sets and not in the begging of a workout. Take triceps cable pressdowns for example, you start with the heaviest weight that will allow you to do 6 reps, then once you have done 6 reps you immediately make it two plates lighter and carry on for as many reps as possible without resting, then you immediately make it another one or two plates lighter and carry on until you reach the first/lightest weight plate. By the end your triceps are on fire even for the lightest weight.

Don’t try and go to heavy with these if you are a beginner and always focus on proper technique. This information was obtained from the reference below:
Schwarzenegger A. (1985). Encyclopedia Of Modern Bodybuilding. Pelham Books,158-160.

Best Regards
Shane Scott

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